7 Must Haves for Your Website

Your website represents your brand in the virtual world and is so a very important aspect of your business. Yet, we often find businesses struggling with it. "My website looks great, but I am not able to convert" or "I invested so much into creating my website, but I don't get substantial hits"...these are some common complaints that we come across often, especially from small business owners. This blogpost tells you 7 key areas that you should focus on, when creating your business website.

1. Content: Yes...content still rules the roost. Make sure your site has quite a bit of content and further ensure that the content is relevant, value adding and appeals to your target audience. Don't fill the site with words just for the sake of it.

2. Testimonials: Nothing has more impact on your prospects than hearing about your product/service from their peers. So make sure your site has testimonials from your customers.

3. Social Media Icons: Social Media is a great medium to enhance your brand presence online. Get on popular social media networks and tell your website visitors to join you there. That way they will hear more about you from your fans at the social network.

4. Contact Information: Tell your web visitors how to get in touch with you. They shouldn't have to search the entire site before knowing how to contact you. Provide your contact information/contact form very clearly for them to use.

5. Tracking: Incorporate a web-site tracker that helps you track the leads that come in from your website. You can use services such as Google Analytics that are free and provide you basic details such as number of hits, location, time spent on pages etc.

6. Loading Time: Web visitors today have little patience and lots of choices. So, it is important that you site loads quickly, lest they move on to the next search result.

7. SEO: Search engine optimization is a key factor in determinin the ROI of your website. Follow the basic rules of SEO so that you have decent web-ranking. For more on SEO best practices, watch this place, next month.


  1. Really they should be followed otherwise it is gonna create a big problem..

  2. Indeed customers love it when they are being accommodated and heard out. Social media marketing is the most innovative of all kinds of marketing because here, your advertisement is two-way: you give out information and at the same time, your buyers or customers can react and respond to you.


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