5 Ways to Retain your Customers

Did you know that you can save as much as 20% by holding on to your existing customers and cross-selling and up-selling your products and services to them. Think about it. Your company spends quite a bit on demand generation and lead-follow ups. What happens after the leads close as the prospect becomes a customer? Do they vouch for your brand? Here are 5 simple steps that will help you stay on good terms with your customers...

  1. Know them:  Know your customers and their preferences. When your company launches a new product or service, this knowledge will come in handy. You can always score better with a prospect/customer when you know them.

  2. Stay in touch: Keep in touch with your clients even after the sale. Send them e-mails occasionally inquiring about their experience with your product/service. Check in once in a while to see if you can help them use your services better.

  3. Special treats: Make your customers feel special. For example: Give your customers a special discount or a sneak preview on your new products/services. Send them your greetings on holidays and special occasions.

  4. Post-sales service: Don't forget your customers once the deal is done. Offer superior customer service and be there for your clients when they need you.

  5. Feedback: Do ask your clients for feedback on your product/service. Not only that, you could also ask for feedback on your processes that have an impact on clients such as customer care, sales process etc
