Five Ways to Improve your B2B Marketing

The current B2B marketing environment is all about having an interactive dialogue with the prospect. But, the challenge lies in trying to hold prospect interest. Here are a few pointers on how you can keep your prospects engaged and interested in your content…

Identify what’s bothering them: Before you pitch to your prospects, it is essential to understand their pain-points. And, to be able to do this, you need to know your prospect well. For example, things that worry a CMO would be very different from the things that the VP of sales would be concerned about.

Hit the target: Now that you know the key areas that are of interest to your prospects the next thing to do is, ‘Get There’. Any conversation you have with your prospects should be geared towards how you can solve their challenges. They know there’s a problem… they want to listen to you only if you have a solution.

Personalize: Prospects today are looking for relevant information. No one has the time or interest for general content. Your goal should be to pass on relevant, value adding content to your prospects. Personalize your interaction to the highest degree possible, and get the maximum level of engagement from your buyers.

Learn from your relationships: The success of your B2B relationships depends on how you adapt your marketing strategies to your prospect’s behavior. Study the results of your marketing efforts and incorporate changes accordingly. For example, if some prospects constantly seem to ignore your e-mails, try sending them an information packet via snail mail.

Keep it short…keep it simple: Your prospects shouldn't have to wade through pages of text before they find something in your content that’s of use to them. So, keep your content unambiguous but short—so that it’s something they can recall when needed. You can send short whitepapers; provide links to relevant articles, or better still post short videos on topics that would be of interest to your prospects. Accomplishing all of the above can get a little overwhelming without the help of technology, in which case you might want to consider investing in a good marketing automation tool that can simplify your challenges.
