Optimizing your website for mobile leads

Did you know that over 39% of web browsers use a mobile device to connect and browse online? Don’t you think it’s time your website was mobile friendly? Here are some tips..
  • Limit content: Browsing the web using mobile can be tedious—even if it’s on a tablet. So make sure the mobile version of your website is simple. For starters, you don’t need to replicate all the content in your actual website onto the mobile version. Only the popular pages/links should make it to the mobile version. You might want to check out your web analytics to identify the pages frequently visited by mobile browsers.
  • Site layout: Keep your site layout simple. It doesn’t have to mirror your actual website. And make sure it is mobile friendly…with big buttons that work on touch and clear font that’s easy on the eyes.
  • Branding: While compromising on your content and site layout is needed, any compromise on your brand is a definite no-no. Ensure your mobile website follows your corporate branding standards in terms of logo, design, color and other brand elements.
  • Compatibility: Ensure your mobile website is compatible with different operating systems and browsers. While you should definitely cater to the popular ones like IOS, Android and Windows, don’t ignore others like BADA or even those phones that offer web browsing as a feature.
  • Loading time: People who check your website through cell phones are probably doing so “on-the-go.” They don’t have too much time to spend on you, so make sure your site loads fast and doesn’t keep visitors waiting.
Apart from the above, make sure you follow the SEO best practices that you would be following for your website—such as adding the right title tags, keywords, description, image alt text etc.
