Marketing automation is the next milestone for agencies.  Why?  It goes beyond traditional ‘top of the funnel’ activities and focuses on the needs and preferences of each individual customer to accelerate the buying cycle.  Corporate marketers are beginning to seriously look at marketing automation and marketingservice providers are in the best possible position to take advantage of this trend.

Here are 4 benefits agencies will receive when leveragingmarketing automation:
1.      More competitive
Agencies that adopt and leverage marketing automation as a big part of their toolbox will be more competitive in the marketing space.  The ones that do not will forfeit crucial recurring revenue streams and new business to other firms and consultancies that do.  It’s also clear that most agencies look alike and sound alike. Marketing automation gives agencies the chance to stand apart from the crowd.

2.     More cutting edge
      Yes, bells and whistles do attract.  Agencies who adopt marketing automation will be perceived as marketing innovators. This will appeal to certain clients and it could mean the difference between winning and losing a deal. 

3.     Smarter
You may be seen as intelligent by your clients but each time you set the bar high, you’ve got to exceed it.  Marketing automation gives you powerful analytics at the user level which shows you how customers are behaving with various forms of content.  Taking this data and developing a powerful case for new marketing initiatives becomes so much easier.  Let’s face it; advertising at its core is about understanding the mind of the consumer.  Marketing automation now gives you a real time glimpse into that mind.

4.     New recurring revenue stream
Yes, you will generate more revenue for your agency.  How?  The amount of content that needs created due to having a funnel management mindset is vast.  In most cases, your clients will not be able to deliver most of what is necessary to be successful.    Agencies will also have the opportunity to participate in strategy, set up, implementation and management of marketing automation programs; yielding even greater revenues.
