Mobile Branding? Keeping the core of your visual branding

If you’ve heard that you need to scale back your website to make it smartphone friendly, you may have also discovered that paring down a webpage can be tricky. Most likely, much time and money was invested creating a website that conveys your messages and goals, and carefully reflects your brand, including colors and graphics.

Enter the smartphone with its small screen.  This will mean making some tough decisions about cutting graphics, banners and other visuals you have considered key to your brand development

There is no standard solution to what is ultimately a creative design issue, but keep the basics in mind. Keep the key visual “feel” of your brand. Consistency in the color scheme is a critical part maintaining your brand “feel.”  Fonts are also, but test them out.

In short, this will be a great exercise in forcing you to define the core parts of your visual brand image, and discovering what can be jettisoned without damaging your brand identification. Hey, it might even cycle back to a profitable clean-up of your website!!
