Is your Marketing Deliverable being Trashed by Sales?

A research by Sirius Decisions concludes that 90% of the marketing deliverables remain unused by sales. So what can you do to ensure your marketing materials are actually used? Here are 4 sure-fire ways to make that happen…

Power to sales

Who creates the collateral? Your marketing team…who uses them? Your sales team…so, doesn’t it make sense to give sales some power over the deliverables? Why not allow them to tweak the deliverables as they want…it’s better to change a few words here and there instead of having the entire brochure trashed, right? Bottom-line: Give your salespeople a way to effectively make changes to your marketing output—a way that’s easy, fun and quick!

Get the sales team to speak up!

We know your salespersons are not cut out to generate very creative flyers or landing pages and that even the most creative salespersons don’t have the time…but they still know what the prospects really want because they talk to them and meet them day-in…and day out. So call for a meeting and put your marketing and sales on the same page with respect to what they expect. And see the results for yourself!

Consistency despite multiple channels

Each salesperson finds a way that works best for them. Also, every prospect is different. That means if Joe responds best to print flyers, Jane might be more receptive to e-mails, or Bob would be actively engaging with your sales team on Facebook. So, it makes sense for you to arm your salespersons with deliverables that cut-across multiple prospect touch-points.

Personalization anyone?

There’s nothing a salesperson loves more than being able to build a personal connection with their prospects. So, why not help them do it. What if you could help them establish their personal brand through your deliverables…or provide them a flyer personalized for that important prospect? Deliverables that help them close deals faster wouldn’t end up in the trash can!

MindMatrix’s Marketing Automation Software can help you do all of the above…and more. Please visit today to know more.
