Marketing Automation and Social Media Success

If you are a marketer and an online marketer at that, I can’t stress enough the importance of having a social media presence. But if you are still testing the waters and not ready to take the plunge, a few pointers might be helpful, but first, let’s look at some facts:

  • 52%of all marketers have found a customer via Facebook in 2013. 
  • B2B companies that blog, generate 67% more leads than those that don’t.
  • 43% of all marketers found a customer via LinkedIn.
  • Emails that include social sharing buttons have a click-through-rate 158% higher than emails that do not include social sharing buttons.
  • 93% of marketers use social media for their business.
  • 74% of marketers believe that Facebook is important for their lead generation strategy.
  • Social media generates almost double the marketing leads of tradeshow, telemarketing, daily mail, or PPC.
  • Around 46% of web users turn to social media for making a purchase.
  • 60% consumers say the integration of social media makes them more likely to buy or share products and services.
  • Americans spend an average of 37 minutes daily on social media, a higher time-spend than any other major Internet activity, including email.
  • 60% or so of social media time is spent not on desktop computers but on smartphones and tablets.

This leads us to the conclusion that social media presence is a MUST for effective online marketing.

How will I benefit by investing in Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

Immense publicity: To quote Wikipedia, “Social media is the electronic word of mouth.” Your brand can get immense publicity on a social media platform; provided your content is like-able, share-able, pin-able AND tweet-able.

Lead generation: As followers follow/share/like your brand of their own free will, you are more likely to have a list of concrete prospects.

More appealing than advertising: Since people are bombarded with advertisements day in and day out, they’re surely getting fed up. A more informative and interesting post would be well received by your

How do I get the best ROI from my SMM?

Content, content and only content can be your best bet. According to a study, 78% CMOs think that custom content is integral to content marketing. Custom content means to customize your content as per the platform you’re posting on. For instance, if I were a restaurateur, I would post pictures of happy customers with their testimonials on Facebook, have an engaging discussion on improvising my restaurant with followers on LinkedIn and tweet facts and news for my Twitter followers.

Creating lucid, engaging content is an art. The good news is, you can always learn and improvise on your content creation skills.

 How do I get an audience?

The whole concept of social media is to reach out. Reach out to as many people possible. Reach out to the right people. And more importantly reach out, DON’T interfere. I think you’ll find these tips on social media etiquettes quite useful.

As a content marketer, you’ve got to know what kind of content your prospects are looking for.
Deliver that content, make them want for more, and then deliver some more.

How can I manage all my social media activities efficiently?

For the smart marketer in you, consider investing in smart marketing automation software like Mindmatrix. It will make social media marketing a delight. This platform is the only one that allows you to plan social media campaigns that you don’t have to manage. Plug in your social media posts and let the software do the hard work involved in running a social media campaign.

To learn more about how you can us social media effectively, visit us at Mindmatrix. 
