A recent article in Entrepreneur magazine made the bold statement that over 70% of shoppers are using their smart phones while shopping in your
store. What does that mean for franchisees? It means they have to find ways to
successfully integrate their digital storefront, with their brick and mortar
locations, and take advantage of the technology that is literally at their customers fingertips.
Using a Sales Enablement solution can help. Here’s how.
Provide Easy Access to Personalized Marketing Materials
Give your franchisees the ability to quickly access marketing materials that have been created just for their location; personalized messaging will go a long way in the mind of a customer who can get the same shirt, elsewhere. Nothing trumps the feeling that you are getting one on one attention from your favorite store and creating a sense of loyalty that will have your customers choosing you, every time.
Knowing your
demographic and what items they’re interested in buying is the most powerful
sales tool you can have at your disposal. It does nothing to market the wrong
products to the wrong people. A Sales Enablement tool can grant you insights
into the purchasing behavior of your customers, both and past and present. This
way, your message is always right on time for the right customer.
Ability to Communicate Online, On Social, through Mobile and even print:
If you can’t beat them join them. While it is true that more and more
shoppers are going to their laptops or mobile devices to make a purchase, this doesn't have to mean that you can’t get customers into your stores –
communicate with them, where they are. By automating online tasks, creating
drip SMS messaging campaigns and even personalized mailers for coupons and
other promotions, you can push your online community offline and into your
Put Big Data to work for you:
Don’t become intimated by all the touch
points that are collecting data that can not only be useful, but an integral
part of your success. Using a Sales Enablement tool to capture data from all
customer touch points, create user friendly graphs that clearly explain the
engagement of your customers. Then create actions from that data to drive
traffic into your store and the bottom line through the roof.
What type of tools are you currently using in your retail
locations to drive return visits? Share with us in the comment section below.
To learn more about Sales Enablement software that is right
for you, visit Mindmatrix.
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