Last week we saw how “segmenting prospects” is the best way to deal with the overload of Big Data. We also looked at different parameters for lead or prospect segmentation.
This week we move on to the next section of, "A Strategy for Managing Data and What You Capture."
Once you have segmented prospects, the next step is to tackle each of these segments in a way that compliments your segmentation exercise.
Today let’s look at How To Approach Each Segment With Personalized Sales And Marketing Campaigns
Strategize for each segment: Once you know that your prospects are on the first stage of the buying cycle or the sales funnel, it becomes much easier to generate or provide the kind of content that will -interest them further. Likewise, you have to understand each of your segments and devise email campaigns or sales strategies for the same. As you have segmented the prospects depending on certain common grounds, you can choose to engage them accordingly.
Train sales people to pitch as per these strategies: One of the most critical steps of approaching your segmented leads is the interaction between them and your sales reps. Reps must be trained to converse with each segment in a unique fashion. This can be easily achieved if you can equip your reps with a powerful, all-inclusive sales playbook that guides them exactly how to do it.
Personalize your collateral when you interact with these lead segments
You have segmented your leads because you know their precise pain points and you care about addressing them with your product. Personalizing your sales and marketing assets, using an effective Asset management system, will demonstrate this concern. When people see that you have the right answers to their questions, they will undoubtedly be intrigued to know all about you.
You can use lead scoring to segment your leads based on their interest in you. You need to track the leads who show an interest in you and develop a deeper understanding of their exact requirements. Depending on the scores for your leads, you can further categorize them as hot, warm or cold leads.
This will help you segregate further the sales ready leads and leads to be nurtured. Lead scoring from time to time will ensure that you primarily focus only on promising prospects. This way sales reps won’t waste time over uninterested leads. This was they can also further segment prospects depending on their level of interest, area of interest, etc.
These are some basic methods for approaching the various lead/prospect segments created by you. Careful approach to these segments will only lead you further to solid leads and better close rates for your sales team. In the next and the last part of this series, we will look at how you can benefit from segmentation.
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