Flexibility for Sales Effectiveness

Sales Enablement. The catchphrase for 2015.
If you Google the term, you get many search results telling you what it is and what it’s not.
We believe that sales enablement is about making your sales reps’ lives easier. Handing them the right tools that will help them deliver the right message at the right time.

However, we must understand that these tools should enable them to sell more. You cannot expect them to be tied down to their desktops because of lengthy workflows and complex software. That is why we recommend that firms opt for a Sales Enablement software package that ensures that your sales reps enjoy maximum flexibility.

Take mobile application, for instance. Does your sales enablement system have a mobile application? Let’s look at few ways your sales reps can benefit from a mobile application that’s part of the overall sales enablement software package.

What you can do with a mobile application?

View contact activity anytime, anywhere

Your reps need to be in the loop about your prospect activity from the beginning. Access to prospect activity on their mobile devices allows them to keep up with how your prospects react.

However, many sales enablement or marketing automation systems have prospect activity information only on desktop applications. This is a severe limitation for sales people who are on the road, or away from their desks for extended periods.

With a well-designed mobile application, you can get an extensive, detailed feed of all your lead activity. You can also sort and filter the activities of the leads however it bests suits your needs.

Immediate follow-up with prospects

With the ability to track lead activity in real-time, you may face situations where it will be necessary to follow–up ASAP. If you happen to be in the field, or on your way to meet some other client, will you have to wait until you get back to the office to follow up?

If that’s what you are doing now, you need to stop.

Unless you are in an important meeting, you can always spare some time to send a follow-up message. Immediate follow-up with prospects yields better results.

Easily add contacts from your phone's address book 
Maybe you attend some sales event and happen to meet a potential prospect there. Where will you save her number and contact information? In your cell phone, of course. At the end of the day (i.e. if time permits) you will have to re-enter the number in your CRM or Sales Enablement system. Ugh.
What if instead, you could directly add contacts into the system? Then, as you meet people throughout the day, anytime, anywhere, you will always be able to update their contact information in the system, without a second step later for your CRM.
Get contact information easily
Mobile apps are quick and easy--not just for saving contacts, but also for retrieving them. If you want to learn details about a certain contact, you needn’t call your colleagues to co-ordinate or you needn’t wait till you get to work. Your contacts will be just a touch away. If you synchronize your CRM contacts with the system, you can access them on your mobile phone.
Send e-mails at the press of a button on your phone
As constant interaction with leads and prospects and customers is core to you, sending emails is a very important and useful feature for sales reps. You can access any email template you wish and personalize it using your contact database to send to your leads. This means that you don’t have to bother about sending emails at odd hours of the day. You set a reminder for your pre-drafted email and send it on time, irrespective of where you are.
Map contacts to relevant drips
When you see that some of your contacts are passing your lead scoring threshold, you have to be quick to establish contact. A drip campaign, perhaps? When you are on the go, it would be great if you could add new contacts to your existing drips or create new drip campaigns.
Desktop Application
Apart from the mobile application, you can also enable your sales reps with a desktop application. This is especially beneficial when reps are too busy to log in and check the system on a timely basis.
The best sales enablement software includes a desktop application feature. With this application, you will know when a prospect opens your email or clicks on a link, so you can follow up instantaneously.
You will get instant notifications and alerts when prospects visit your website, social media page or other communication materials.
All you have to do is log into the desktop application when you turn on your computer. It will run in the background and keep you connected to your prospects - even when you are not working with the software.
Desktop applications are like a gateway to live prospect feeds, dynamic contact synchronization, one-touch email creation and instant dashboard and profile information access.
So while you may come across definitions and explanations for Sales Enablement, what is important is whether you are, in fact, enabling them to perform better with tools that encourage flexibility and more effective, efficient selling.
