Your channel partners will love your more if you are always there for them. Be accessible to all your channel partners so you can address their challenges to the best of your ability, always. Offering a quick turnaround on inquiry also sends the message that you truly care and want them to succeed.
Tips: Offer your channel partners multiple touch-points to stay connected with you. Examples include chat, phone, emails, quarterly meetings, etc. Also, make it easy for them to reach out to you. Ideally, a click on your partner portal should be all that they need to connect with you.
Walking that extra mile in a relationship just goes to show how much you care and always strengthens a relationship. The same goes for your relationship with your channel partners. If you want your channel partners to choose you over other vendors, you need to stand out. Protect their interests, help them generate revenue. Treat your channel partners like an extended sales team, Give them every kind of support they need to sell, make them feel like a part of your organization and watch them treat your brand like their own.
Tips: Offer your channel partners multiple touch-points to stay connected with you. Examples include chat, phone, emails, quarterly meetings, etc. Also, make it easy for them to reach out to you. Ideally, a click on your partner portal should be all that they need to connect with you.
Walking that extra mile in a relationship just goes to show how much you care and always strengthens a relationship. The same goes for your relationship with your channel partners. If you want your channel partners to choose you over other vendors, you need to stand out. Protect their interests, help them generate revenue. Treat your channel partners like an extended sales team, Give them every kind of support they need to sell, make them feel like a part of your organization and watch them treat your brand like their own.
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