Mindmatrix Marketing Automation Software Updates Its Asset Module to Offer Users an Easier Asset Sharing Experience

The marketing automation software's asset sharing functionality has been updated to allow users to share multiple assets of varied formats in a single email

Mindmatrix has updated its marketing automation software’s asset module that makes sharing of assets with fellow users and contacts more efficient. Earlier, only a single asset could be shared via email at one time, but now the marketing automation software allows users to share multiple assets of different types including videos, PDF documents, web assets, etc.

Mindmatrix already has a very strong asset management system built into it, but the company has always been working to make it more efficient and the recent updates are just additional steps in that direction.

Last year marked a big step forward for Mindmatrix’s asset management module in the form of the asset-opportunity integration feature. This feature worked to automatically map the assets to the opportunities and offer asset recommendations to the users. Early this year, Mindmatrix marketing automation software was upgraded to include ’On-behalf marketing’ that allows corporate marketing teams to send emails and update social media pages on behalf of their channel partners. The upgrade also included the addition of the asset configuration tab and a global asset search feature to its asset management software/ IT also upgraded the asset filter management feature. These additions offered laser-focused asset search results that cut across all asset categories.

Harbinder Khera, CEO, Mindmatrix, says “We are the only company to offer all of the 4 elements-Marketing automation, sales enablement, channel enablement and asset management on a single platform, and we want to ensure that we always excel in each of these spheres. So, we pay a lot of attention to each of these elements and work constantly innovate and improve. It is this approach that has spurred a lot of the updates that the asset management module has seen this year.”

About Mindmatrix
Mindmatrix is the only single, fully integrated platform offering complete sales and marketing enablement for direct and indirect sales. Mindmatrix combines Partner Relationship Management (PRM), Channel Marketing, Asset Management, Sales Enablement, and Marketing Automation for the complete enablement of your sales and marketing teams. This unified platform takes you through every step in the sales process from lead to revenue, enabling your sales channels to sell more, faster.
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