What elements should you measure in a marketing or sales campaign? (A checklist)

Creating content and assets is crucial to any marketing or sales campaign today. 
However, creating assets should not be the last stage of your selling process. It is what happens to all those assets afterwards that matters most.
What are some of the basic assets that you MUST be able to measure effectively?

  • Website
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media interaction
  • Offline collateral
  • eBooks
  • Channel websites

Your website is one of your best marketing assets. As your prime real estate on the web, it is imperative that you measure how it performs. Here are some things that you should be able to measure

  • Can you track the number of visitors on a daily basis?
  • Can you track the number of visits made by the visitor/s?
  • Can you identify the location of your visitor?
  • Can you determine the industry type of the visitor?
  • Are you tracking the web pages most frequented by your visitors?
  • Can you separately track your anonymous and your known visitors?

If you have a tracking system that lets you get all these details about a prospect in place, you have won half the battle. 

Tracking key aspects like the industry category of your visitors or your most appealing content gives you an exact understanding of your audience. This way you can hyper-personalize your messaging. 

Email campaigns
Email marketing is obviously what most of us rely on for effective selling. 
Since it is second best to direct selling, you want to make sure that you are doing the best you can. You have to maintain a daily tab of how your emails are being perceived and reacted to by your prospects and customers. What are some of the things you need to measure in your email campaigns? Here’s your checklist

  • Can you A/B test your email content?
  • Can you A/B test your email designs?
  • Can you see how many people actually opened your emails?
  • Can you see how many of them clicked on any internal links within the email?
  • Does your sales team receive prompt alerts when your prospects open/ click your emails?

Social Media interaction
Aberdeen states that almost 84% of B2B marketers use Social Media in some form. However, almost half of them don’t measure their Social success, or the lack of it. If you want to get your business noticed on the internet, social media is your go-to platform. Creating a presence for yourself on these networks  means that you will have created a solid list of followers who are interested in you. 

Keeping yourself up-to-date with your Social followers can be time consuming. Hence, you’ve got to have a system that tracks and measures your social accounts. What do you measure on social networks? Here’s what to track

  • Can you monitor your social presence at all times?
  • Can you keep tabs on who is mentioning you and when?
  • When do prospects respond to your tweets? 
  • Can you send and measure automated social posts to maintain your “visibility”?
  • Do you know if your followers frequent your dedicated tab or pages?
  • What kind of content, visual or text, appeals more to your audience?

E-Books and blogs 
Free resources, useful blog posts, and curated articles are your usual crowd pullers.  What remains to be determined is the  details about these readers and what really brings them to you. Since blogs and e-Books are topic-oriented, you can address their pain points just by knowing what topics interest them the most. You may want to know

  • Details about the person downloading the eBook
  • History of the prospect’s usual preferences
  • If you have sub-sections under your blog section, then which pages does she go to most  often?
  • Stats about how each of your pieces performs?

Channel websites 
Apart from your main website, you may have to create micro-sites for your channel or franchise partners. You can create these sites using a Sales Enablement system that tracks the visitors and other stats for you without any additional efforts. You can specifically measure the performance of your individual channels based on the micro-sites. 

For any effective campaign, marketing or sales, you have to be able to measure each stage and every element involved in it. Qualitative and quantitative measurements ensure that you are on track with your expenses and are getting maximum returns from your selling efforts. 

As the old adage goes, you can’t fix what you don’t measure.
